Friday, February 8, 2013

Howl Imitation

I saw the minds of my generation become robots that were obsessed with the newest and best technology

Who didn't care who they were hurting or who's lives they were destroying in the process of trying to make their lives better

I saw the minds of my generation fall so far into credit card debt that they eventually stopped caring about the money they will never be able to pay back, or the children they can't afford to feed, the parents they are taking advantage of, the government that is struggling to support them, and the job that they will never have

Who only care about where the next party is at and who is bringing the alcohol

Who live on unemployment so that everyone else can work hard to support them

Who hears about the endless teenagers that end up rolling their cars, running into other vehicles, going over the edge of the road, or running into guardrails because they are driving under the influence, yet they still choose to drink and drive.

I saw the minds of my generation care more about having fun than their higher education

Who eats fast food everyday and gains weight rapidly because family meals at the table no longer exist

Who can justify spending $90 on a pair of pants, but thinks that paying bills is overrated

Who go to the doctor for something as simple as a headache and leave with a prescription for 10 different pills that help you go to sleep, ease the pain, get rid of depression, make you happier, give you energy, boost your sex drive, and take away the headache

I saw the minds of my generation no longer care about face to face interaction, as long as they have their social networking sites

Who now meet their husband's and wive's online because it is simply too time consuming to find someone on your own, and being single for the rest of your life is just not an option

Who get pregnant at 16 and choose to keep it without knowing whether or not they will have the money to support the baby, or a stable home to live in

Who no longer thinks that working hard for what you want is the way to get things

Who listens to rap music while smoking weed

I saw the minds of my generation worry more about the new reality show on TV than their research paper due tomorrow

Who thinks that we should give more money to the unemployed, the woman with 5 kids, and the crackhead across the street, than the men and women out there fighting for our country

Who believes that abortion is a form a birth control

Who think material things are more important than family

Who look in the magazines and see the TV shows with all the beautiful women and decide that in order to look as good as they do they need to get a boob job and plastic surgery

Who can't do anything without downloading the app from the iTunes store first

I saw the minds of my generation not knowing what it's like to read a book for pleasure

Who would rather play video games and watch TV than go outside and play with their friends

Who spend $10 on a movie ticket and $6 on popcorn

Who think it is normal to see condom and male enhancement commercials on TV in the middle of the day

I saw the minds of my generation fall apart at the seams...


  1. Great job! I like how you put all of the more important things that we don't really think about but are huge issues in our lives. Plus your my cousin, so ya, its sweet. :)

  2. I agree completely. we both had some of the same thoughts, and i wish i would have thought of some of the ones you came up with. good job, on our crappy generation :)

  3. Great job on your post! I can agree with many of the things you stated. And I believe many of it is true. Our generations does seem like it we falling apart.

  4. I really like this one! I agree with a lot of what you said and you had a lot of good thoughts. Very thought provoking.

  5. Hi Alexis,
    I thought you did a great job, very good points, and unfortunately very true.

  6. There are lots of references to technology here. Are you anti-technology? Or do you consider yourself part of the group of people you're pointing to here? For instance, are you a slave to apps?
