Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Linda's Diary

Thursday, 1983:
      It's so nice to see the boys having fun with their father.  I know all Willy really wants is for them to be successful.  They will make their father proud someday.  I just wish Willy could focus on work.  He is a very hard worker, when he tries to be.  We have so many bills to pay, but I try not to worry Willy too much.  $16 on the refrigerator, $96 for the washing machine, $3.50 for the vacuum, and $71 on the roof.  I know we will be okay, things are going to be okay.. Look at the boys hanging the laundry on the line. Such good boys they are(:  They really look up to Willy.

Wednesday, 2013:
    I'm starting to worry about Willy...  It worries me when he travels for work.  He smashed up the car twice  already, and it was no accident.  I just wish Willy would get better. He is such a good father.  He really loves when Biff and Happy come home. He is hard on Biff because he wants him to be successful. I know the boys are worried about their father too.. If only there was something we could do.  Willy would never allow me to get a job.  He is supposed to take care of the family himself he says.  But if I could just work some, we would be better off.. Or maybe if Biff and Happy stayed...

1 comment:

  1. If this is a play about a protagonists downfall due to hubris or excessive pride, I suppose Linda's homemaker status is yet another example of that. He needed help making ends meet, but he wouldn't have allowed Linda to work. I suppose it could also be a function of their time period...
